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Bring Back the Blue


Restoring the Health of the Ichetucknee River


Ichetucknee Alliance is a 501c3 non-profit working to restore and protect the Ichetucknee River and its many springs. Founded in 2013, our organization has led numerous successful campaigns that have produced real change. Through community education, events, and online petitions organized by our dedicated members, we work to educate leaders and decision-makers, moving them to rethink what is possible.

Our Advocacy Work


Springs Protection Zone

The Alliance is focused on gaining additional protections for the Ichetucknee as offered by the State of Florida statute Section 327.45.


Establishing a Springs Protection Zone may include the following methods to improve conditions: 


  • R​estrict speed and operation

  • Prohibit anchoring, mooring, beaching or grounding


If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of this initiative, please email us with subject line reading "SPZ Supporter." We encourage local residents, business owners, and students to join our SPZ working group. It takes a village!



Ichetucknee Alliance assists local programs aimed at raising awareness our beloved blue river.  The Parknership program, hosted by Trini Johannesen at Fort White High School, brings students face to face with springs habitat through a partnership with Ichetucknee Springs State Park. Trini is an outstanding leader in our community who has spearheaded springs protection within the school system - inspiring students to become ecological stewards. Thank you, Trini!


The Alliance provides a portion of funding for this program and assistance documenting existing curriculum with hopes of expanding the program to other nearby schools.





How do we best protect what has been deemed Florida's most pristine spring fed river? Over the past 2 decades we have learned that it takes more than a state park designation to protect springs. The water that feeds the Ichetucknee River comes from a much larger land mass surrounding the spring. This land mass is called a spring shed.  


Conservation efforts that target the entire spring shed are more effective at protecting both the quality and quantity of water emerging from our springs. 


Here's an interactive tool designed to help you understand our region's water flow. Written by longtime springs advocate, Lu Merritt, this tool helps residents better understand what's happening to our water supply.


Click here for a fascinating tour! 

Make an impact.
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